Descending The Spiral Staircase

Yesterday I learned that one of the most kind and unique individuals I have ever met had passed onto the next realm. Phil Herz, aka cy thoth was a man that meant a lot, not only to the people he knew personally, but the people who he reached because of his weekly show on kfjc, and because of the art of the firebunker. Every time I saw Phil he greeted me warmly. I shared the same name as one of his sisters, so he took to calling me by the nickname he used for her, which just so happened to be the exact same nickname my family has given me. I've had several nicknames bestowed upon me over the years, but that one brought a certain feeling of comfort and familiarity with it, so I loved that he started referring to me that way. I wasn't the only person he treated like this. Quite the contrary, he was this way with nearly everyone that crossed his path. It has been a little over 24 hours since the news hit, and many stories have been shared. The people that were closer to him have some great ones. My interactions with him weren't as frequent, but I did have the pleasure of spending some time with him on Tuesday Mornings during the last KFJC fundraiser. He was such a dedicated staff member. He would come up every morning to oversee the fundraiser phone lines. He was famous for leaving hilarious phone messages for friends and other members of the KFJC staff. I think I have a few. I think I will try and find them. One final memory. A few years back at The KFJC penny pitch at Streetlight Records, as we made the transition between our DJ sets, I asked Cy Thoth if he'd like to go on a bike ride with me. This was in reference to the last track I was gonna play. In my mind it was the perfect and twisted hand off between cadillac margarita and cy thoth. I was half kidding, but now I wish I would have taken the request more seriously. a bike ride with phil or cy thoth would have been pretty kick ass. gone but not forgotten, I know he wouldn't trip on dying, but that doesn't make me any less sad about not being able to talk to him again. For now, I will imagine that bike ride.


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