christmas time is here? what the eff happened to thanksgiving?

is it just me, or have stores been unloading their christmas crap a little earlier every year? the other day, my mother actually saw workers unloading LIVE christmas trees to be sold out in front of Safeway!!!! who the hell would buy a tree during the first week in november?!?!?! by the time chritmas morning rolls around, it would look the the charlie brown tree. 3 branches, one twig, and a pile of pine needles
(and those things are a BITCH to get off the carpet, even with a vaccum). At this point we should just start celebrating thanksgiving the day after halloween. It's barely a blip on the radar of the comsumer industry anyways! it kind of pisses me off to think that thanksgiving is so overlooked. i like christmas, but i dislike what it has become. all i see is SPEND, SPEND, SPEND!!!! in big red flashing lights. Plus, i loooooove thanksgiving. it's just food and fun, and we are fortunate enough to usually spend it at the beach, which is just awesome. I feel so bombarded with christmas that i get sick of it by the 25th. but i'm not all bah humbug. i do have a christmas top 5 to share:

5) egg nog and peppermint mochas from starbucks.
4) the chill in the air
3)christmas in the park(it's a san joser thingie, but one stroll around plaza de cesar chavez, all decked out, and no one can resist it's power)
2) christmas carols. i really do love 'em.
1) candlelit midnight mass. so beautiful.

i guess what i'm saying! right on!, but don't forget about thanksgiving. i know it's just an excuse to stuff ourselves, drink in the presence of our parents ,laugh, fight, and maybe cry, but i think it's a damn fine time, and i for one would miss it something terrible.


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