mimosa and a movie sunday : beaches!

here we go again kiddies. i finally have a day to drink mimosa and watch an old favorite. today's pick: BEACHES. 1988. STARS: BETTE MIDLER, BARBARA HERSHEY, JOHN HEARD. DIR: GARY MARSHALL so, king of the chick flicks, gary marshall, is at it again. this overly sappy yet completely irresistible tale of a life-long friendship between two polar opposites is one of my favorites. Bette Midler is CC Bloom- the sassy, brassy, needy, bronx born, fame hungry, red head. Barbara Hershey is the "proper, well bred", controlled, type A, Marin County "WASP queen", Hillary Whitney. They meet as young girls when Hillary, visiting Atltanic City with her father and aunt, looses her way back to her hotel and is guided back by CC. They meet when Hillary, frustrated and scared sits down on some bleachers that CC is hiding out under for a quick smoke. -myiam bialek, aka, tv's blossom, plays the young CC. is it just me, or does she look like SJP (or sarah jessica parker for those o...