I like you. I really like you



1 9 Grimm, Larkin
2 7 Minilogue
3 7 Pieces of Peace
4 7 Imps
5 7 Sixteens
6 7 Peaches
7 6 Lavette, Bettye
8 6 Miss Kittin & the Hacker
9 6 Sheeep
10 5 Walt Disney
11 5 Koletzki, Oliver
12 5 Purple Duck
13 5 Model 500
14 5 Dave Aju
15 5 Segal, Kenny
16 5 Fang Island
17 5 Brown, James
18 5 Zion-i
19 4 Kubin, Felix
20 4 Wendy and Bonnie
21 4 Freestyle Fellowship
22 4 Von Iva
23 4 DJ Donna Summer
24 4 Black Diamond Heavies
25 4 Bohren & Der Club of Gore
26 4 Miss Kittin and The Hacker
27 4 Toots & The Maytals
28 4 Black Dice
29 4 Brillowska, Mariola & Kubin, Felix
30 4 Gainsbourg, Serge
31 4 Marley, Stephen
32 4 Lancaster, Byard
33 4 Andrea Parker
34 4 Diplo & Blaqstarr
35 4 Mr. Scruff
36 4 Williams, Andre & The New Orleans Hellhounds
37 4 Davis, Miles
38 4 Fairport Convention
39 4 Myka 9
40 4 Mikkel Metal
41 4 Redding, Otis
42 4 Disneyland
43 4 Chandra
44 4 Kiyama, Akiko
45 4 Unagi
46 4 Miss Massive Snowflake
47 3 Nadler, Marissa
48 3 Abstract Rude
49 3 Lambchop
50 3 Orb, The
51 3 Units, The
52 3 Girl Talk
53 3 Aardvarck
54 3 Sisters
55 3 Parenthetical Girls
56 3 Latorre, Santiago
57 3 Odd Nosdam
58 3 Of Montreal
59 3 Newsom, Joanna
60 3 Vibert / Simmonds

I know this isn't totally accurate, beacause the muppets, prince, michael jackson, the B52s, and blondie are no where to be found....hmmmmmm perhaps I didn't play them as much as I thought....no. i have definftely played the muppets at least 5 times. Nevertheless, this new kfjc staff website feature is kick ass!


Cuttlefish said…
It looks like "Miss Kittin & The Hacker" and "Miss Kittin and The Hacker" were labeled differently and counted separately.

That would put Miss Kittin et al at the top of the list with 10 runs!

I'm a nerd and had to check :P

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