on murphy's law and my new favorite word

everything that can go wrong will go wrong, or something like that, right? I feel right now at work this strange mix of euphoria (due to a recent promotion) and "oh shit, i'm totally screwed" ness. right now is the best time it seems for people to be having babies, serious health issues, car trouble....take your pick. the entire marketing staff is falling apart. I realize this is a grand test. an opportunity to prove what i'm made of as it were.

("rain on my parade" - Tiffany Liu / tiffanyliu.com)

I have decided, after hearing my new favorite word on a pbs financial investment program, that i'm not going to catastrophisize any of this. it's going to be okay. we as a department will survive. my boss can handle this. i can handle this. we are going to rock the shit out of this situation. we've pulled on our galoshes, and now it's time to jump in some puddles!


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