
I can laugh
When things aint funny
(a haha) Happy go lucky me

Yer, I can smile
When i aint got no money
(a haha) Happy go lucky me

It may sound silly but,
Mmm, I don't care
I got the moonlight
I got the sun
I've got the stars above....

.....Well! Life is sweet ..Whooa sweet as honey
(a haha) happy go lucky me

*pause....music and laughing*

It may sound silly but,
Mmm, I don't care
I got the moonlight
I got the sun
I've got the stars above....

....Well! Life is sweet whooa yea! sweet as honey
(a haha) Happy go lucky me
(a haha) Happy go lucky me

*laughter fades out*

~paul evans

after weeks of trying to make it out to the movies, i managed to take in a viewing of the sweet and affecting, Happy Go Lucky, a film that begs the question, "is it possible to be truly content, especially when others around you can't accept it?" For a film with a seemingly broad concept and vague plotline, there are certainly moments of quiet beauty not to be missed.

with one weekend to myself before the ballet kicks off it's new season, and I become impossibly busy, the roomie and i will be treking to ikea and a few other places to buy a couch and put the fininshing touches on our living room. the wireless is in, the cable and dvr are on their way, and our pictures will be hung. it finally feels like i am home :)


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