weight watch week 4, or the week when carrie fisher threw confetti at me

that's right princess leia herself showered me with colorul confetti.

but first things first. I gained 1.2 pounds. this is not the end of the world. i know what i did. i ate crap that makes you gain 1.2 pounds. i need to will myself into the gym at least 3 times a week or this is never going to work. i have the healthy eating thing down. at least during the week. at work. i have the water thing down. i now have an excuse to get up from my desk every 1.5 to 2 hours. the water cooler is in the breakroom. this breakroom is out the door, thru the stairwell, down the hallway, past the bathroom(where a pre or post water pit stop usually takes place), and through the "shop" where all the sets are constructed. This is a nice break from work, and usually takes between 5-10 minutes.

Honestly, I did really good this week. I was eating good, getting plenty of water, I feel as though I will probably loose between 2-3 pounds this week. not bad. could be better. i probably went overboard at the google picnic yesterday. my friend invited me,and when you get invited to a google event, you go. The actual food wasn't horribly fattening, but they had ice cream...cotton candy...and over on the kid side...sliders and french fries....what can i say? sometimes you just get possessed. Other than that, like I said, the week was good.

and how does carrie fisher fit into all of this? well, she doesn't really have anything to do with my weight loss diary, but i still wanted to share that I sat in the front row of one woman show. This was merely by chance. I had volunteered my old employer, The San Jose Repertory Theatre, to see the show gratis...I'm saving to move. pinching pennies is a must. The house manager must have been worried about the front row having an empty seat, so he sat me there and warned me that "there will be some interaction with ms. fisher." Really, her throwing confetti on me and asking me if i'd ever heard of comicon was the only interacting we did, but it was still cool. The show, entitled "wishful drinking" chronicles her life thus far. The famous parents, scandals, star wars, paul simon, rehab, depression, a friend dying in her bed...it's all there. She is a complicated woman, equal parts funny and sad. The show reads like a night in her living room. She is dressed comfortably, kicks her shoes off almost instantly, chainsmokes, drinks coke zero, and hops on a lucky male audince member dragging him to the ground, to end the 1st act. I came out of it totally fascinated by her relationship with paul simon. many of his most famous songs from the early to late 80s are about her. I felt a kind of remorse from her about the demise of that relationship, but maybe it was just me.

A one woman show about your life. I wonder what a one woman show about my life would entail. what would be good enough to include? hopefully the journey that I am beginning here would be a part of it. I know, it would begin "..so i used to be fat...".


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