red roses with leatherfern and baby's breath are so damn tacky


right now, flower shops all around are scrambling to finish the 500 or so deliveries they have make today, and men all around are srambling to find a flower shop that has any red roses left. i used to work in a flower shop. it's not impossible for a guy to find red roses on valentine's day, especially at 8am. Even at 6pm, they might still be able to scrounge up a dozen red roses in a vase. i have 3 problems with this scenario:

1. these will most likey be arranged with leatherfern and baby's breath, and put in a cheesy vase.
2. these red roses will be the most sad and pathetic looking flowers in the entire shop.
3. these red roses with their leather fern and baby's breath will cost sed men roughly $115.00 including tax, give or take a few bucks.

last year, i was trying helping several men at 6pm on valentine's day.
7 out of 10 guys i helped wanted, you guessed it, red roses. As our suppilies began to dwindle, but the number of customers stayed constant, I attempted to encourage creativity in these men. We had several varities of beautiful flowers in mass quantity linning the inside of the store. Lillies, irises, tulips, sunflowers, dahlias, hydrangea, fresia, gerber daises, calla lilies, etc., these were all around a ready to be selected and arranged (for half the price, i might add. i'm no cheepskate, but most men usually grumble over how valentine's day takes their entire paycheck for the month of February) Some men took to the challenge, while others mulled over their options before sighing the "well, red roses are the international symbol of love" sigh, and selecting the sad, pathetic, red roses we had left at 6pm, on valentine's day.

I guess in the end it's the thought that counts, but here's to hoping that potential future boyfriends don't give me red roses on valentine's day, or any day for that matter. just peachy

looking for an alternative to cheesy valentine cards? try
  • >some e cards
  • --- my personal favorites---
    for the happily coupled:
    for the bitter singleton:

    i have a sweet double date tonight. I'll be hanging with my 4 year-old and 5 month old nephews while their mom and dad go out on a date. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!


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