thanksgiving 2006: what i am thankful for

1)villa de azul
cameras! (this hobby is going to bankrupt me)

2)family! (even though they piss you off by leaving BEFORE the dinner your mom slaved over)

3)friends! ( emily and her mom saved the day with their wonderful company...and em's homemade dinner rolls will save humanity)

4)a kick ass episode of grey's anatomy! (watching that show in an emergency room is totally surreal. long story. basically mom wasn't feeling so hot, but she got a nice pain shot, and will be seeing her doc on monday)

5)having enough common sense NOT to wake up at 3:00am to go shopping this morning. some people are so crazy. (getting trampled while trying to rush into the WalMart to get my hands on the last copy of george strait's christmas album sounds like a worthwile endeavor to me)

is it now acceptable to break out my christmas cd's? i am such a cheese ;)


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