keepin' it cool

kiddie pool
zelda's calamari

i was able to escape the heat for awhile and join my family at the coast.

1. filling up the kiddie pool for my nephew zachary. of course it looked so inviting that i joined him. this is an excellent and cheap alternative to the real thing. my roommates in college often joked about getting one for the bottom of our driveway. we so should have done it.

2. calamari from capitola institution, zeldas. i hate zeldas. they are overpriced and have terrible service, but the calamari is super yummy, and since they are right across the street, i just ordered for takeout.

3. the front lawn through a kalidescope. i saw zack's little kalidescope sitting on the table, so i decided to experiment. this is the front lawn. i think they look like cucumber slices.

i ordered some 620 format film for my box camera. 2 rolls of color and 2 of black and white. they should come this week, and i can't wait to experiment!


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