boonville or bust!

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it's that time again, kids. the world famous
  • boonville beer festival
  • is here! this year is the tenth anniversary, and it promises to be a wild one! there are 61 participating breweries (as of today), and i can't wait to get up there and set up camp. this is the third year that i have gone with my sister, her husband, and our friends. Of course as a seasoned veteran of this festival, i can't help but offer a few suggestions of my personal favorites....just in case you happen to show up after reading this fabulous blog entry :)

  • 21st amendment watermelon wheat
  • light and refreshing. the perfect summertime brew!

  • bison chocolate stout
  • just like it sounds. full bodied chocolate flavor. yum!

  • da grind buzz kona coffee stout
  • coffee taste without the sour stomach (coffee makes me ill)

    and here is one brewery i'm not familiar with, but i'm amped to try what they bring:
  • the beach chalet

  • so if you've got nothing to do this weekend, come check it out...and if you are coming, i'll see you at beer thirty. cheers!


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