tim burton: death of an american cinematic genius

as i was watching ed wood (which is wonderful!) on saturday night, i sat there wondering "what the fuck has happened to to tim burton?" his films used to be so wonderful. the stories were inspired, the scenery beautiful, and the characters wonderfully quirky. i really used to look forward to "a tim burton film", but now all i can think is how they used to be. i haven't seen mars attacks, but i do know that everything before it was magical, and everything after it has been crap. well, a slow decent into crap anyways. There were flashes of the old tim in sleepy hollow, big fish, and corpse bride, but for the most part, something is definitely missing. i won't even dicuss charlie and the chocolate factory, which was so wrong on so many levels it even made me kinda not like my beloved johnny depp, and that is next to impossible. i hold out hope for mr. burton to someday return to fine form, but for now here are my personal recommendations from the his filmography:

own these. watch them again and again:



pee-wee's big adventure


edward scissorhands

batman returns

the nightmare before christmas

ed wood

and okay, worth at least 1 viewing:


sleepy hollow

big fish

corpse bride


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