stupid cupid, stop messing with me

Image hosting by Photobucket oh, that stupid cupid. but, i really like this little guy by

  • s. britt

  • seriously, i am happy for those who are in love and loving it today...i'm just glad that i'm not a guy because then i would probably feel it necessary to spend hundreds of dollars on roses, chocolates, teddy bears, hotel rooms, jewelry, or whatever other rediculous gifts your sweetie needs to show how much you love them. When i finally have someone to celebrate the day with, i'm going to freak out and go totally overboard. i just know it.


    Anonymous said…
    What is Valentines Day? Its a day where you can show off that you have a boyfriend who loves you and make everyone else feel horrible about themselves. I fail to see the point of why we would celebrate that. Should we have a day where all the rich people can gloat about having more money than the poor? Or how about all the healthy people rubbing in how healthy they are compared to people with diseases? Sometimes I just don't understand the logic of today's world.

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