list-less in downtown san jose

i have never been known for my great ambition. i always joke with my mother that my older sister Tricia took most of the ambition supply allowed to our family, or at the very least she took all of mine. i don't know what it is with me, but getting me motivated is harder than finding an honest politician. Now, this could all fall into the cliche that i am lazy because i am fat, and all fat people are lazy, right? but instead i'll tell you the real reason.....i don't have one. Somehow, i have just always been able to float on through life doing the least amount of work possible. i don't dislike hard work. In fact, there is something gratifying about it. However, if you don't have to, why bother? I refuse to get caught up in the details and get all stressed out. my life could be summed up by the "c-student" mentality. in other words, most stuff i do ends up being "satisfactory" like the grades my teachers gave me in elementary school. All of this being said, i came to the realization today that i need to make monthly to-do lists if i ever want to get anything done.
so here for your viewing pleasure is my to-do list for the next two weeks and beyond:

-read at least 3 stories a night from "Dress your Family in Corduroy and Denim"
-Get the ugly rolled up wool rug out of the middle of my living room.
-really clean the house (vacum, sweep, dust, disinfect)
-wash the damn car. good.
-save money and get out of debt. NO MORE FRIVILOUS SPENDING!!!!!
-get the pilot light in my oven lit.
-limit my tv viewing to 2 hrs per night, and only AFTER i have finished other things.
-help maintain the backyard. it really could be that cute.
-Take more walks downtown. it's only a matter of days before it's dark by 5:30. boo!
-pay bills on time.
-develop the pictures and send video of wedding to be put on DVD.

i'm sure there's more, but that is a start.


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