my most influential fictional mom
My mother will always be my hero, and as far from someone like Roseanne Conner as one could be. Motherhood is a tough job and it takes all kinds. I feel there are many forms of right when you are a mom. Today I would like to tip my hat to Roseanne. She may be unconventional (and yes I know fictional), but she was honest, funny, and loved and sacrificed for her family. A trailblazer with a real point of view, she often expressed her opinion, solicited or not. Her relationship with her husband was a true parntership that weathered its set of storms. She may not be real, but she is based on a real woman who I suspect took more than a few of her personal life experiences and directly applied them for sitcom fodder. So here is to you, Roseanne. Happy Mother's Day, Domestic Goddess
