no tv, no cry
after drowning under the weight of my financial oblgations, I made the decision a few weeks ago to cancel my satellite cable service. DirectTV had been very good to me. I felt very sad having to break up with them after nearly 5 years of home entertainment bliss. They tried to get me to change my mind. They promised me the world if I'd stay, but the truth is, as much as it hurt, I had to move on. I've kept busy through a steady diet of
not to mention the countless other movies and tv shows I own on dvd and vhs. I have yet to start reading more, or exercising, or cleaning my apartment, as I thought I'd might as a result of making this change. However, I see it as a twelve step process to breaking the habit of television dependence. Right now I'm not acting like a junkie... making excuses to visit friends who have cable, or calling DirectTV to beg them to take me back. I am pretty proud of myself for making the sacrifice. It's small in the grand scheme of things, but I'm trying to teach myself how to do without certain things. We'll see how it goes.
