a change of space

The time for exploring new locations has come and gone -- stay close to home now.

Get started on something new today -- you know what you want, and you know exactly how to get there. Anything you start today is sure to end up taking you somewhere new and wonderful.

today's HORRORscope. I know that the trip i was planning to the Portland, Oregon area this coming weekend needed to be postponed, but this is too much. A few months ago, I was so ready for a change of scenery. I even went as far as to make this bold declarations of relocation. This is not uncommon with me. I think the fact that I am still looking for "home" is probably indicitive of many personal issues that I have yet to really face.

I will still be taking the time off of work to spend some time giving my current home and hearth some much needed TLC. I know it is what was meant to be.


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