you played it mighty dirty, dirty 30

the dirty 30 came and went. unexpected hiccups. my spirit not bent. the family and friends i have simply made it the best, coming to my rescue with every last minute request. Thank you to all for every loving gesture, well wish, and happy thought. I am so lucky with all the love that I've got ♥
- my day after facebook thank you message

I will never over plan another event. The evite for my dirty 30 blonde ambition birthday party, which was to take place at my family's beach house in Capitola went out the first week of February, with an event date of Saturday March 26th, 2011. As the weeks passed, and the rsvp's came rolling in, I was starting to plan, buy things, and obsessively check the weather reports to make sure that everything would more or less go according to plan. Getting into the week of the party, the weather showed that it was going to be a little stormy and soggy through Saturday, but nothing to be concerned about. Then as I was sitting at work on Thursday night, I got a text from my sister; Capitola Village was flooding. I immediately went into panic mode. within 10 minutes, my mother and 2 close friends were all contacting me via phone and text. I should have known right then and there that the raging party I had planned in my head was doomed. I wanted to be hopeful. I wanted the reports of flooding and 3 feet of muddy water surrounding our beach town to be greatly exaggerated. The next 36 hours were filled with various ups and downs....the water receeded, it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be, the patio is being hosed off as we speak...back to 2 feet of water down all streets, 8 inches of mud, highway 17 is closed, it's raining so hard you can barely see, we might have to sandbag....
I'm not there during any of this, mind you. I am simply on the phone, trying to make my best judgement call about what to tell my guests. Kudos to my sisters and their husbands who were in Capitola trying their best to give me the party I'd wanted. By Saturday at 11am it was pretty clear that I needed to form plan B. At first I wanted no plan B. I just wanted to crawl back into bed and cry all day, but I have wonderful friends who refused to let me wallow in self pity. After a series of phone calls with everyone who I knew was supposed to be attending in their finest blonde, I had a party. and so it was round table pizza and cambiran bowl who hosted my not so dirty 30, and it was a fine time had by all. as my sister said, it may have not been the party I wanted, but it is one I will never forget! and after some contemplation, I find it fitting that a good time gal, who has found herself in the center of many a rager, ended up with a relatively calm and relaxing 30th birthday. Perhaps there is a lesson in all of this, and I think it's this : getting older and wiser doesn't have to mean the end of fun, and going low key doesn't mean that you're boring.

ps. the house is fine, and my family is safe. That is the best part of the whole story :)
photo taken by my sister


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