a day in the life : July 7th, 2009

8am- wake up and drag myself to the shower

830am- so fresh and so clean clean. i power up the laptop for morning email check and discover like everything else today (and for the last few weeks), the internets are filled with michael jackson stories, photos, rememberances. today is the memorial. i don't set the dvr. i will later regret this decision

915am- leave for work with kashi protein bar in hand. bumping lady gaga on my way to work while macking and snacking the kashi. i wonder, will her pop domination continue or will she fizzle out and fade away?

945ish- arrive at work. notice there are bagels in the kitchen. yessssssss. make a quick stop at my desk to power up the 'puter, and say "mornin'!" to the new boss, then it's back to the kitchen to procure a bagel before the vultures start to circle.

10am- bring up playlist.com and summer jammzz to make the day go by... work, work, work, blah, blah, blah

130pm- lunch break! i'm broke bitches! time to make my lean cuisine Asian stir fry....not too bad. peruse the internets for a bit..michael...facebook...email...myspace..blah blah...back to facebook.

2pm - back to work. lots of subscriber issues today.

230pm - brief closed door chat with the new boss. this is good. i feel comfortable talking to him. i like him. i feel he is here to empower me.

6pm- quittin' time! it was a full day, and i feel like i accomplished a lot

610pm in the car, headed up to kfjc. need to listen to some new vinyl for music reviews on a turntable with a good needle. the one at home is a little cheap.
1) a little 7" 45, "little green hat/little bit of this" by the rantouls
2) 12" single, "crazy place" + remix by dave aju
both good. rantouls : 60s esque summery garage rock, dave aju: disco inspired moody dance beats that are consistent and very groovy. The remix is the at the disco after you've snorted a few white lines.

8pm-head home as the sun is begining its decent. the windows are rolled down a bit, and my hair is blowing in the breeze at katy perry works out her girly angst on the stereo.

830- baked ziti time! i have been planning this for a few days...how can i take the few things in my kitchen and get a couple of meals out of it? olive oil, spices, pasta, sauce, cheese, meatballs, more sauce, more cheese...voila! baked ziti!... ugh i'm going to be so sick of pasta by friday. in need of some cooking music. i find godspell on GTV! what kind of network has godspell? GTV...God TV? Good TV? no, it's Gospel TV!! they have a gospel singing competition, reruns of "Amen!" and of course uplifting movies like Godspell. I've also come to the conclusion after watching some of their ads, that god hates the bald and people without vaccums. they kept advertising for the "orkin halo" vaccum. The big guy hates dirty, and don't you forget it!

9pm - start watching 9 1/2 weeks about 1/2 way in. Mickey Rourke pretty in 1986. freaky deaky? yes. kinda hot? definitely.

1015pm- contemplating looking at michael jackson memorial coverage on the internets, but wouldn't you know, they are rebroadcasting it on VH1! will watch till i pass out surrounded by disgarded popsicle sticks....


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