mimosa and a movie sunday : driving lessons


from 2006, Harry Potter's Rupert Grint and Julie Walters star is this Harold and Maude - esque ( though I think it's not romantical)dramadey. Laura Linney
co-stars as his obnoxiously overbearing mother

-why must all of laura linney's characters be insufferable? i wonder how she feels about that...
-sufjan stevens provides much the soundtrack, just as cat stevens provided most if not all of the harold and maude soundtrack
-julie walters and rupert grint play mother and son in the harry potter movies!
-walters is fantasic! she was one of the best things about "Mamma Mia!"
-she is a crazy and eccentic actress who has been married 3 times, was forced to be on a soap for extra money, and is "huge on the gay scene" because of it.
-they act out scenes famous shakespearean plays. awesome.
-oh! the priest is his dad! I thought maybe it was his uncle, but I forgot, it's only us catholics who are crazy and don't allow their priests are married!....but his wife is hot for the younger priest. naughty, naughty!
-she has the neatest little green car.
-she's gonna teach him about life, isn't she?..and she's got cancer too....why are the people who are about to die chalk full of wisdom?
-thank god! he does it with someone his own age!
-laura linney really is psycho is this movie. a testament to her talent!
-he escaped to come and go to her, but she is drunk and passed out again..wait she is coming to...awwww he just told her she was his best friend, and now she is crazy to get to him!
-oh hellll naw! diva showdown! and the actress takes it! and she rescues him!!!
-oh fuck! the crazy man (who started dressing in his mother's clothes) who had been living with the crazy mom, just mowed the mowed down in her car!
- whew! she made it....now the mom is divorcing the dad for the young priest
-when someone who had been following you around, stops following you around, they start looking real good, don't they?
-aulde lang syne. she gave him the tools to live his life as he wanted....so the last shot is him walking into a large field towards a big city.

when I first opened the champagne, my intention had been to watch "lady and the tramp", but i ended up watching this instead. lady and the tramp awaits, but before I do, since yesterday was valentine's day, i will leave you with 2 related randoms:

1) everyone i know loves white converstion hearts. I love them and will pick out every single one out of the box.

2)since my friend came over last night and ate every white heart out of the box, I emptied out the rest of the box to find my favorite phrases.
-"sugar pie" on an orange heart
-"love bird" on a yellow heart
-"spice it up" on a green heart

they weren't white, but it didn't matter. i ate all 3


k. crow said…
Mimosa and a movie Sunday sounds like so much fun. I'll have to join you some time.

Also, the white Necco Wafers are the best, too.

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