mimosa and a movie saturday : lost in translation
friends, I have just come up with a fabulous idea.
saturday mornings, provided i have nothing on the agenda, i will host " M & M Saturday"- mimosa and a movie. This will be a stream of consciousness thing....thoughts on the movie as I watch it, and become looser with each mimosa....I know most people wouldn't be be caught dead drinking and bloging, but I, as many of you know, am not most people. condsider me that annoying chick who sits in front of you at the movies, and talks throughout the run of the film.
Today's pick:

the opening sequence is brilliant. something that is hard to forget. her damn asscrack, thinly veiled under worn out, cotton, full butt underwear, faded soundtrack, minimal typeface...very intriguing, not to mention damn sexy.
when charlotte's husband gets after her for smoking, she says, "i like it. besides i don't really smoke that much. i'll quit later."
"oh mr. harris....lip my stockings!!!....oh no mr. harris please...please let me go, mr harris!" ahhhhhahahahahahahaha!.....
.....the redheaded lounge singer is ridiculous, but isn't that the point? the fucking name of her act is Saucelito!!....i love anna farris. she does vapid so well, and she got cameron diaz on the damn nose!!!!!!
there are so many quiet moments, that on any given viewing they get lost.
is spike jonze really that much of a akward douchebag?!?!?
if i ran into harrison ford in a hotel, and he wanted to hang out with me, i wouldn't say no, would you?
the shot of her sitting on the window sill watching tokyo below kills me, and the sountrack is perfect!!
she just sneaked a peak at what he looks like with his shirt off. hehe!
I wonder on the average, how long most of sofia copola's scripts are, because it feels like their is virtually no dialogue, just a series of improvised moments caught on film.
the random conversations we have at a party...then dancing..then karaoke...a perfect party
mmmmmmmmm.....i want sushi!!
the litte old man at the hospital who is talking to bill murray...at least I think it's a man. sort of looks like my grandma when she got older.....the small interaction between them is funny and sweet...
yes!! peaches! what else is in the teaches of peaches?!?!
a portion of my own time traveling in foreign countries was spent watching tv....old american movies and tv shows.
"i tried taking pitcures, but they were so mediocre. every girl goes through a photography phase."
how many times have you laid next to someone and kept "talking" even when your eyes are closed, and your mind has shut down?
he just used the tinyest razor to shave his face.
isn't it funny how for the right person, a person we can't get enough of, we will rearrange our schedules in ridiculous ways. we waste time and wait for the opportunity to hang out with them, just a little longer.
isn't it amazing how someone we have known for a short time, you can't become so attached to, and they have the ability to affect and wound you.
do we want them to hook up or not? this has always conflicted me. at first, i said no way, but after a few viewings, it's no longer so black and white.
the saddest moment is when one knows something wonderful is ending. that no matter what happens, the magic of what was is lost forever.
did you expect them to kiss some big movie kiss?
what do you think he says to her? I think he says, "let's meet up sometime, and really bang it out" nah, he probably said something really profound and meaningful.
post your guesses!
el fin
saturday mornings, provided i have nothing on the agenda, i will host " M & M Saturday"- mimosa and a movie. This will be a stream of consciousness thing....thoughts on the movie as I watch it, and become looser with each mimosa....I know most people wouldn't be be caught dead drinking and bloging, but I, as many of you know, am not most people. condsider me that annoying chick who sits in front of you at the movies, and talks throughout the run of the film.
Today's pick:
the opening sequence is brilliant. something that is hard to forget. her damn asscrack, thinly veiled under worn out, cotton, full butt underwear, faded soundtrack, minimal typeface...very intriguing, not to mention damn sexy.
when charlotte's husband gets after her for smoking, she says, "i like it. besides i don't really smoke that much. i'll quit later."
"oh mr. harris....lip my stockings!!!....oh no mr. harris please...please let me go, mr harris!" ahhhhhahahahahahahaha!.....
.....the redheaded lounge singer is ridiculous, but isn't that the point? the fucking name of her act is Saucelito!!....i love anna farris. she does vapid so well, and she got cameron diaz on the damn nose!!!!!!
there are so many quiet moments, that on any given viewing they get lost.
is spike jonze really that much of a akward douchebag?!?!?
if i ran into harrison ford in a hotel, and he wanted to hang out with me, i wouldn't say no, would you?
the shot of her sitting on the window sill watching tokyo below kills me, and the sountrack is perfect!!
she just sneaked a peak at what he looks like with his shirt off. hehe!
I wonder on the average, how long most of sofia copola's scripts are, because it feels like their is virtually no dialogue, just a series of improvised moments caught on film.
the random conversations we have at a party...then dancing..then karaoke...a perfect party
mmmmmmmmm.....i want sushi!!
the litte old man at the hospital who is talking to bill murray...at least I think it's a man. sort of looks like my grandma when she got older.....the small interaction between them is funny and sweet...
yes!! peaches! what else is in the teaches of peaches?!?!
a portion of my own time traveling in foreign countries was spent watching tv....old american movies and tv shows.
"i tried taking pitcures, but they were so mediocre. every girl goes through a photography phase."
how many times have you laid next to someone and kept "talking" even when your eyes are closed, and your mind has shut down?
he just used the tinyest razor to shave his face.
isn't it funny how for the right person, a person we can't get enough of, we will rearrange our schedules in ridiculous ways. we waste time and wait for the opportunity to hang out with them, just a little longer.
isn't it amazing how someone we have known for a short time, you can't become so attached to, and they have the ability to affect and wound you.
do we want them to hook up or not? this has always conflicted me. at first, i said no way, but after a few viewings, it's no longer so black and white.
the saddest moment is when one knows something wonderful is ending. that no matter what happens, the magic of what was is lost forever.
did you expect them to kiss some big movie kiss?
what do you think he says to her? I think he says, "let's meet up sometime, and really bang it out" nah, he probably said something really profound and meaningful.
post your guesses!
el fin