a costume contest
with Halloween fast approaching, I need to pick a costume and fast. I have a few ideas, but I can't decide. wanna help me?
the frontrunner:
Millificent from Sleeping beauty. The villainess of epically evil proportions! She is my all time fave, and I need to go to Disneyland on Halloween one day, so that I can take a picture with her
the runner up:
Ursula from The Little Mermaid. Equally diabolical, but not quite as fabulous. I think I thought of this one because our physical similarities cannot be denied.
the long shot:
Sally O'Malley. The sassiest 50 year old to kick and stretch and kick in a red pantsuit since Jack Lelane! I probably won't go with this one, but we started talking about it at work, and how fricken funny would it be. seriously!?!?! observe:
the dark horse:
oh, elton! a crazy hat, some sparkly sunglasses, platforms, and a feather boa, is all i'd need on Halloween to let everyone know that the bitch is back!
so which gets your vote?!?!
the frontrunner:
the runner up:
the long shot:
the dark horse:
so which gets your vote?!?!
PS: I've fallen off the face of the blogging world for years, but I'm looking to claw my way back. Thanks for keeping my link on your page over all these years. :)
I'm posting somewhere new, in case you're interested. http://kzwritesgood.com.