weight watch week 5-6

i didn't go to weight watchers this week. i lost the 1.2 pounds I had gained 2 weeks ago, last week. I took a lot of motivation away from the meeting, and hit the gym 2 days a in a row. I was eating really well, and following all the good eating guidelines.

The came the weekend. yes. i hate weekends. i can not keep it together on the weekend. I was plenty active. I danced pretty hard 2 nights in a row. I went for a nice long walk/ jog on the beach. but there was the pizza...and the beer and margaritas...and the carne asada breakfast burrito. wtf?!?!..and the really good potato salad...and the oreos...ok i'll stop now. i got on the scale this evening, and decided to stay home and watch the olympics.

I need to find my superhero. i need to save me from myself. my good friend, KC (crowcrastination.blogspot.com) posted a link to marvel comics on her amazing blog. the link:http://marvelkids.marvel.com/create_your_own_superhero.

you should look at her blog, though. A-MAZ-ING writer. amazing.

and my superhero:luckystrike

I need to channel my inner superhero, because i am the only person who can save me now.


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