things end. things begin
so Polaroid cameras and instant film are pretty much a thing of the past. you can still get the instant film, but Polaroid won't be making any new cameras or film. you can hit up ebay and pay upwards of $100.00 for a few packs (10 photos to a pack usually), or you can do what i did, and impulsively buy up any packs you see left in stores. i'm sorry, but the digital revolution can suck it. this is all their fault. i love film. it is not a dead art. i refuse to give in to that way of thinking. maybe someday, Polaroid will see the error of their ways, and start manufacturing the film again. until then, i'm going to buy up as many packs of film as i can, and i'm going to make every shot count. and speaking of shots.....
i could shoot, shotgun, mainline, beerbong, or plain old sip this can 'o wonderful. just in time for summer, 21st amendment brewery in san francisco has made my year by finally releasing my favorite light beer for retail sale at bevmo. it's like a shot of fresh watermelon. it's tastes delicious AND gives you a buzz, so i say, pass the ammunition!
as i sit here, the second week of work at my new job complete, i feel that my life is finally headed in the right direction. plain and simple, i'm not a kid anymore, and that's okay. you have to let certain things go in order to move on to the next step. taking a risk, no matter how big or small, is scary. you have to let things come to an end from time to time because the feeling of the unknown is a total rush. i hope to always embrace that in life. behind the lens of a digital camera? that may take some more convincing.