do you know the way to san jose?


san jose, thou art my destiny.

i have officially given up my san francisco sex and the (foggy) city fantasy. after much back and forth, i've come to the conclusion that i don't know if i could ever live in there. fun to play in? most definitely. awesome to explore? no doubt. easy to max out my credit cards? like you wouldn't believe. perhaps my personal journey will lead me to the perfect lower haight / castro flat overlooking alamo square park, but until then san jose will have to do. there are plenty of sj neighborhoods i'd like to call home.

1. japantown- 7 bamboo. need i say more?
2. the alameda- hipity hipsterish fun, if there is such a thing in san jose.
3. SOFA district- the people watching alone would be worth it.
4. willow glen- farmers market. vintage shops. cute houses.
5. east foothills- say wha? yeah. within walking distance of alum rock park, please.

why all the talk of settling down? because, my faithful readers (all 3 of you), my life has suddenly taken a turn for downright stable.

1. i have been offered a job at American Musical Theatre of San Jose. It is a full-time salaried position with full benefits, 401 k, the whole kit and caboodle. I start 1 week from monday, and i'm a little nervous. this is good though. it means that i really care. no self-sabotage, no self-sabotage, no self-sabotage........

2. Nearly 2 years after my journey into broadcast radio began, I will be awarded my very first regular weekly show! i can't discuss the details for another few weeks, but i can say it will be a nighttime ambient, folk, jazz, synth-pop, electronic, soundtrack, hip hop, indie rock smorgesborg. erratic behavior with cadillac margarita. look and listen for it in late may on or 89.7fm in the south bay.

it's funny. you struggle and hope for things to happen, and then when they finally do, it feels like everything moves so fast. my only hope for the next few months is that things remain good, because right now i'm on a high that feels pretty damn great.

top 5 things i'm looking forward to this week

1. my new tote, courtesy of the amazingly talented tousely in the housely
2. working with my buddies at the rep. i will really miss by BOB's :(
3. ironman! i must see this movie. thank god robert downey finally got it. he's too damn talented to have let it all go to waste.
4. thursday night television. grey's was really good last week. seeing kate walsh back on the show reminded me of how much she is missed. nothing against her, but i hope her show gets cancelled because she is just better at seattle grace.
5. boonville! this is my 5th consecutive year at the beer festival. no. it never gets old.


k. crow said…
Oh, San Jo. Why does concession have to be so expensive?
Tasi Alabastro said…
So when do I get to be a guest on your show?! Lol. We'll miss you at the Rep Margaret!

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