the early bird gets the barstool

i'm not as young as i used to be. this is a fact, that, for the most part, really hasn't hit me yet. next month marks the sixth anniversary of my 21st birthday. It doesn't feel like it, but that was a long time ago! Yesterday at work, i was chatting with my co-worker when we got to the age question. I knew she was young, but i thought she was about 20. However, she is 18 (soon to be 19). That isn't much different than 20, but for some reason, it was like she entered into a whole other generation. wait, isn't she? Am I immature, or are kids these days wiser than i was at their age? When I was 19, 26 was ancient. Am I ancient? I guess the reason for this crisis, is that at my now ripe old age of 26, many of my contemporaries have settled down with a 401k, a house, a boyfriend (or in some cases, a husband), and maybe a kid or two. Aside frome the 401k and the boyfriend (or at least a steady string of romantic distractions), I don't see these things for myself in the near future.

but back to the original point of this post.

on friday night, with neither of my close proximity bff's available to join me, i decided to venture over to
  • >the blank club
  • solo, to check out local band that are making good,
  • >the mumlers
  • who were playing with
  • >the dodos
  • and
  • >two sheds
  • .
    I went right after work, since work is, like, 3 blocks from the blank. The younger me would have rushed home to change outfits 5 times, and try in vain to do something with hair and makeup. The older me had 4 things on the brain:

    1. close parking
    2. the bathroom
    3. a seat in the club
    4. a big ol' drink

    when all four of those tasks were accomplished, i settled in for the night. I actually quite enjoyed going by myself. i got to move through the crowd as i pleased, and it allowed me to mingle freely with some friends and aquaintences also in attendance. Plus I felt like the cool, mysterious, loner, and i got to leave when i wanted.

    All 3 bands were great, too. when does that ever happen? I like the blank club. i'm thinking i'll have to go there more often, and even if it makes me look like an old fart, i'm going as soon as the doors open, maybe even before.


    Tasi Alabastro said…
    I'm right behind you Margaret! You have no idea how often I abuse my inner self for now thinking of acting conservatory after High School!

    Instead I went to SF State and learned a little bio before slacking off the rest of the time I was there, lol.

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