the beer snob is back

i've been neglecting this little blog as of late, but i'm feeling a sudden surge of motivation thanks to a literary kick in the arse from my good buddy kim, who incidently authors a great site entitled,
  • crowcrastination
  • . After being delighted by a slew of new posts from kim, i decided it was time to check out my neglected page. upon that inspection, i decided the name and theme change i had made a few months prior wasn't working for me. I also realized that i wanted to get back into telling stories from my life, not updating all the people who don't really care about what has, or in my case hasn't, been going on.

    Long story short, the beer snob is back (and fully prepared to make fun of the kind of beer you drink)

    ps. just a short list of what's rocking my world right now:

    playing scrabulous with all my facebook friends
    the cinematic orchestra
    being the fill in coordinator at kfjc
    the bacon cheeseburger
    harmless flirting
    the sunshine
    my newphews who will be my valentine's


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