....spending $64 developing film and getting 4 useable shots: priceless

and of those 4 useable shots, this one is my favorite:
meet me on the corner of grant and....
so my first experiment with the holga didn't go as planned. does anything? ever? in the whole entire universe? que sera! holga and me may have gotten off to a rough start, but i still like him. i think he deserves another shot, don't you?

i spent a whirlwind 1 1/2 days in chico visiting my my siter and bro-in-law. we managed to squeeze in:

1- dinner and beer sampling at sierra nevada brewing company
2- pirates of the carribean 3: at world's end (johnny depp. yum!)
3- a few hours at the park that has a freshwater swimming pool in the middle of it
4- dinner at hula chinese bbq (a big bowl of wonderful is what that was. yum!)
5- a trip to the silver dollar fair (rides, games.... carnies)

chico is bigger than i expected. and it's 75 degrees at 11:30 at night. pretty sweet ass.

yummy bbq tomorrow compliments of my surrogate family, the tahamonts. yum!
hope everyone has a fab holiday!


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