it's really hard to see in the darkroom

pentax k1000 slrintroduction to photography
photo class is in full swing! we had our first negative developing :) unfortunately, my partner and i got a little excited and kind of skipped over most of the part where we LEAVE the negatives in the developing fluid for about 9 minutes. yeah, we pretty much moved on to the fixer after, like, 3 1/2, maybe 4 minutes. DOH! (imagine me slapping my forhead for this amazing display of dunce-y-ness) it's okay. i have negatives, they're just much lighter than i would like them to be, but my teacher told me I can correct this in the enlargement process. "they just won't be as sharp as they could be." He tells me in a way that lets me know that no way in hell can i turn any of them in for an assignment and expect to get an A. That's alright, it just gives me an excuse to go back to alum rock park*.

after the first week of classes, i was all but ready to give up. things this semester seemed totally complicated and annoying, but this week i've taken to things much easier. also, i think i have finally figured out why my "music of multicultural america" class needs a 40 page syllibus: because it takes my teacher that many pages to explain her way out of crazy. the woman is nuts! but she is also warm, ethusiastic, intelligent, fair, and a very good teacher.

i really want to listen to my simon and garfunkel cd right now, but i can't find it. thank god it was only a burned copy. i guess i'll burn myself another one.

grey's anatomy was a killer this week. very hard to watch. i'm totally in the dead dad's club, and what christina said was spot on. george and callie holding hands while being stunk-out by george's brother was too cute for words. i can't believe addie was preggo with mcsteamy's baby. woah! and last but not least......alex and addie!!!!! i'd been waiting for that since last season. i have a feeling that the writers are going to take this one at a snail's pace, though. what gives? usually the hook ups on this show are wham, bam, i said godamn! by minute 16.5 of sed episode.

what does everyone think about the isaiah washington controversy? why burke? why! i loved his character, and now i can't even bear to watch him on-screen, and yet i don't want his character written off the show, and i can't see any other actor playing the part. but it's like soap operas. they re-cast all the time. there is usually a period of adjustment, but then everyone settles down and learns to love NUrecast. is this possible? i've heard eriq le salle (formerly dr. peter benton of ER)'s name thrown around, but i think that would be too weird. (omg i just realize they have the same initials..preston burke, peter benton...coincidence hmmm?)

anyway, i sure do float randomly from topic to topic don't i? well, great weekend to everyone. hopefully i will have my first set of pics from class to share soon :)

*alum rock park is the great hidden wonder in the east san jose foothills. it's got streams, trails, play equipment, a small natural history museum, sulfur springs, and is a great place to take a hike or go on a picnic. i hadn't been up there in awhile. definitely an underused resource. i found all sorts of things to photograph, and letting little kids run wild in one of the 3 main play areas is a great photo-op


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