silly string memories of lava lamps and fart machines

why do i still have this?tequila!who took this one?boss lady and the slacker ( the slacker being me)floor moves! ugh!the bickersonsthe lollyboysjames the elf (ps. clicking on a pic will direct you to a larger version of it)
this time of the year always brings back fond memories of the best job i ever had. say what you will about working at the mall, i've never had such a fun time at work in my life. working at spencer gifts (yes, that store. the one with the funny t-shirts that everyone finds impossible not to read out loud) There were many reasons, especially between august 2001 and may 2002 that it was the greatest job in the world.

1) my boss was the coolest
2) my co-workers were so fun. we actually became friends.
3) that store is just a lot of fun. sure, it has it's not- so- fun moments (inventory, anyone?), but all in all who wouldn't like a job where you get to play all day?

i guess i just want to say thanks to all my spencers peeps. i miss you guys. your legend is hard to live up to, and hopefully sometime soon, we can all get together, have a few drinks, and talk about old times :)


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