hello 2007. nice to meet you

hello 2007. nice to meet you
i never keep new year's resolution. come to think of it, i never even proclaim any that i don't keep because i know i won't keep them, so why bother? well, that is about to change ( i hope) i really have a lot to look foward to in 2007. here is the short list:

1. a busy new quarter at school to include: dj training (starting tomorrow! eek! wish me luck!) a pop culture class, a photo class, a music class, and a radio class. also,at san jose city: a tap class!!!

2. one of my best friends is getting married, and i'm the maid of honor, so i want to look gooooood.

3. a change in zip code may be on the horizion.

4. eliminating the debt that has been crushing my freedom.

5. i'm going to see justin timberlake on janunary 11th!!!!!!!!!

2006 is ova! a killer year both in good and bad ways, but emotionally, i welcome it's end.

i hear that how you spend your new year's eve is a reflecttion of the year to come. i will be in san francisco partying with good friends, and if i happen to run into a hot stranger and we enjoy a meaningless new year's make-out, well, that would be ok too ;)



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