the good girl and the baddasssss

the good girlthe baddass

i feel like i've had split personalities for the last week. one minute i'm my sweet jovial self, and then the next i'm kicking ass and taking names, not to mention no shit from anyone. being assertive feels really good to me at first, then it just feels like i was being a complete bee-otch. why is that?

i'm reading
  • scars and sweet paradise: the life and times of janis joplin
  • by alice echols. i always thought of janis as this badass. she had this amazing talent, did what (and who) she wanted, and lived this amazing (though far too brief)life. the introduction contains a passage so sad that it made me cry

    " not long after janis died, a little-known rock journalist published an especially spiteful article about her. it was the night of her new york city debut and she had leveled the place, bewitching the city's notoriously hard-boiled critics. after the show, the guys in the band went out with some pretty young girls, and janis, left alone, wandered off to a bar. it should have been a triumphant evening for her, but when the writer spotted janis she was sitting by herself in a lower east side dive. he joined her at the bar, but before long, he began to find her "tiresome." Oblivious to him, janis talked on and on about herself, her career, and her band. it must have made him furious, because, as he sat there, he fantasized shutting her up with the ultimate put-down: "you forget you have acne." this is what her detractors couldn't forgive her: here she was, an acne- scarred, frizzy-haired woman who refused to cede center stage to the guys or the pretty girls."

    the fact that the asshole journalist was so jealous of her talent and refusal to keep it hidden isn't what is is sad about this for me, it's the fact that she was so alone. maybe she was annoying, but i'm sure that didn't stop people from kissing her ass after she died and became a legend (she would have been one, regardless). i am in no way comparing myself to janis, i just think it's interesting someone's public persona can be so very different from the person themself.


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