fuck you, humboldt : a love letter

fuck you for being 6 hours away
fuck you for being so goddamn beautiful
fuck you for making me fall in love with rain
fuck you for your cheap rent
fuck you for no jobs
fuck you for your dirty hippies
fuck you for your good bars and cheap drinks
fuck you for no lines in your stores, banks, or post offices
fuck you for being able to walk just to just about anywhere
fuck you for your good beer
fuck you for how friendly people are
fuck you for all of you stop signs
fuck you for never having anything exciting going on
fuck you for all the good friends i made
fuck you for all the good and bad memories
fuck you for every fun outdoor fair and festival
fuck you for the farmer's market
fuck you for your yummy tofu
fuck you for the community forrest
fuck you for moonstone, lufenholtz, and college cove
fuck you for the bayshore mall
fuck you for your good, cheap pot
fuck you, humboldt
fuck you making you easy to love and even easier to hate
but most of all
fuck you for being hard to forget


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