crossing the bridge

oh yeah. my life is about to change, and i couldn't be more excited...or more scared.
what in the hell was i thinking quitting my secure and stable job (with benefits and paid vacation), to go back to school? well, i've come too far to turn back now. my semester is paid for, and i have nothing to loose. being totally unattached at 25 does have it's benefits. i get to do crazy things like this and not feel bad about it. i still struggle with the fear of failure, but i feel good about this next chapter in my life, so across that bridge i go :)

i finally turned in my first roll of 120 film. they said it will take 1-2 weeks and the processing costs $5.00, plus 65 cents for each 5 * 5 print. not too bad.

i have been to more concerts this summer than i have been to in the last 5 years. so far i've seen :
1. wolfmother, the yeah yeah yeahs, franz ferdinand, the strokes, and afi at bfd
2. peaches, bauhaus ( most boring fucking band i've ever seen) and nine inch nails
3. the goo goo dolls and the counting crows (a free ticket through work. i wouldn't pay for that shit. however, the counting crows were a surprisingly good show. no comment on the goo goo dolls)
4. pat benetar (another free ticket, i wouldn't have paid for this either, but i was stoked to go nonetheless. a great show)
5. mates of the state, spoon, and death cab for cutie. (we met the guitarist for death cab's mom. what a fucking cool and random moment was that?)
my summer of concert madness continues next month with dave matthews band on sept. 9th and scissor sisters on sept 29th. i love it!!!! and hopefully, considering my new careerpath, there will be plenty of concerts in my future ;)


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