captain jack will get you high tonight

captain jack will get you high tonight
and take you to his special island!

a girl can dream, right? i saw pirates of the carribean last night. wow! what a fun ride! johnny depp is so effing hot i thought the screen was going to spontaneously combust ;)

-i finally got the 620 film for my kodak duaflex IV. then i fumbled through loading it, but it is loaded and i have been shooting. i can't wait to see what it produces.

-i saw peaches, bauhaus, and nine inch nails over the weekend. unfortunately:
1) we were a little late, and we missed most of peaches set :( (she was only allowed to play for like, 30 minutes) but on the plus side, we got to see her sing the teaches of peaches during which she stripped down to her hot pink bra and booty shorts, and ran through the crowd dancing with people and drinking their beers. she is awesome, and damn can she wail!
2) bauhaus were on forever. they are old and boring. the highlight of their set was when peaches joined them for one song. this time she came out in a figure skating outfit. holy seqins, batman!
however, i was very pleasantly surprised by nine inch nails set. they were balls to the wall hard rocking personified. and when did trent reznor get so cut? mee-owww! the lights were like electronic fireworks too. what a great, great, great show :)

i'm just in a great mood right now. life is good :)


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