SPT--- let me introduce myself : the pop culture addict

voted worst new cast member, 1995-1996 season

  • self-portrait tuesday

  • this month's challenge is let me introduce myself. one thing you will get to know very quickly about me, is that i am a pop culture addict. i love reading about all things music, movies, television, and retaining all of that important knowledge for polite dinner conversation. random, useless, pop culture trivia is like my party trick. ask me something,anything about pop culture, and chances are, i will know the answer. don't ask me how i'm able to retain all of this, i can't even find my keys in the morning most days. Some of the time, i will know things about tv shows and movies that i have never seen. weird, huh? some people might consider this shallow, but i've learned to embrace it over the years. i don't want to be a hollywood gossip hound as a career or anything, but i'll probably continue to read US weekly, INtouch, or any other pop magazine like the one in the picture for as long as my eyes will let me. so, this is me, margaret. pop culture aficionado.


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