the joy of dance

from my first year of dance classes in 1987-1988.
i danced for another 7 years, and i still kick myself for quitting, but you know how 15 year olds can be. back then i was a member of the joy of dancing dance studio. i went from taking a ballet/ tap combo class for the first 2 years, to a ballet/ jazz combo and a solo tap class for the next 3, and then on to solo ballet, tap, and jazz classes for the last 2. as a kid, i wasn't much a fan of the ballet. it was too slow and boring. jazz was a little more fun, but my true passion lay with tap. i still have most of my costumes from the recitals. all i have to say is sequins, sequins, sequins!!! and unfortunatley for the little round thing i was, a lot of spandex as well. i was a big fan of the workout clothes, though, and most of the dancers at my studio rocked the
  • danskin
  • brand of dancing apparel. secretly, i always wanted to show up to class wearing something like
  • this

  • you know, to feel like a real dancer. in my last semester of college i signed up for a tap class, and bought myself a new pair of tap shoes. i loved it, and i hope to continue dancing for as long as my legs work. eventhough i never made it to competition like most of the other girls i danced with when i was younger, i feel like a i came away with something very valuable: self- confidence. performing from an early age gave me many things, and dancing in front of large mirrors every week gave me something too; the absolute inability to walk by a mirror without checking myself out. it's so bad.


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