it's the taxman

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it's taxday! did everyone finish their taxes? i signed and sealed mine last night at around 1:15am. This is the first year i did them myself too. i hope they were right. it really is simple, but why do they have to use such complicated language on the gd forms?

this week is going to be a killa. i don't get stressed easily, but i can already feel the pressure building. basically, my 2 person household is turning into a 5 person household. The house is a mess right now too, nowhere near ready for 3 more person's worth of crap. plus, i have to figure out how to transport a 600 pound table
from one house to another..... but before that, i have to figure out how to get the damn thing out of the old apartment without damaging it or the house. good times.

i just want to sleep, eat double stuff oreos, and all watch all the tv on dvd i own.


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