twelve year-olds don't like sharing their birthdays

i still remember the day of my twelfth birthday. i was miserable, so i threw a huge temper tantrum and pouted by myself outside, playing the new gameboy my parents had given me. what i brat i was. my family hadn't forgotten. they didn't ignore me, or refuse to celebrate. In fact, we had a big party that day....but, it wasn't really for me. That was the krux of the matter. I was miserable and threw a temper tantrum because ever since the morning of march 28th 1992, i have shared my birthday with my niece, cristin. The day in question was actually Cristin's 1st birthday. The day she was born, i couldn't have been happier. i really felt like i got the neatest birthday gift ever. However, her 1st birthday was a different story. a child's 1st birthday is a big deal. i realize that now.

time goes by so quickly. cristin is 14 today. she is a teenager. she is going to high school next year. i used to think about this day when she was a baby. i am 25 today. it feels so weird to even think it, let alone say it. to quote the great joey lawrence, WOAH!


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