homes sweet homes

the california house : august 1999- june 2000the 426: august 2000- December 2001the colony : july 2002- January 2003the 545: june 2003- june 2004

a couple of months ago, my friend,
  • insurgentmuse
  • , who also happens to have been one of my college roomates, gave me this great idea to take pictures of the addresses of the places i have lived in my life. so far most of my moving took place during college at humboldt state. i moved 7 times in 5 years, including moving back to san jose twice. when i visited my sister in february, i went to all of these places in the order in which i lived there. it was both nastaligic and cathartic. i told all the stories of living there to my friend, emily, who had accompanied me on the trip. for more in depth descriptions and more pictures, go
  • here
  • .


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