exciting thursday post

the only exciting thing about a thursday is that it is almost friday. here are the thoughts currently rolling around in the old noggin:

-rooting for my favorite on american idol has never been so hard. the women (with the exception of mandisa) are pretty average. however, the guys are top notch this year. my favorites are taylor, elliot, chris, and gideon. in a way it's good because i will be happy with whomever wins since it will most likely be one of these guys. i am done with seacrest, though. he is so painful in his attepmts to prove his heterosexuality (he's gone so far as to nix his famous tagline, "seacrest out!"). it's okay to be gay, ryan. embrace who you are....on second thought, the gay community may not want you, because let's face it: you're obnoxious.

-chloe won project runway. i have to say i am surprised on the whole, but after seeing her collection vs. those of daniel and santino, i can see why. i actually really liked santino's collection, but they couldn't let him win. people would riot! i was very disappointed in daniel's collection :( it was boring! Chloe says she won't move to new york. yeah. we'll see how long that lasts.

-my dream of moving into a fabulous high-rise, low-income, downtown housing project has come to an end. aparently, my future roomate and i don't make enough money to qualify....we are too poor to qualify for low-income housing. how is that even possible? i call bullshit. we just don't fit their demographic. mostly i am pissed about all the time and energy i wasted trying to meet all of their "requirements".

- i would really like to have a boy in my life. i know most of the time they are more trouble than they are worth, but at this point, i could use a little trouble ;)

-i feel a rut coming on :(


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