craving cultural exposure

i happened to notice that the old camera one theatre in downtown sj was taken over by
  • anno domini
  • , so i went to go check it out on my lunch hour friday. they had some really cool stuff. i absolutey loved this: but did not have the $200 to buy it. the artist's name is devon holzwarth. you can view and purchase some others
  • here
  • . aren't they great? 2005_1224Image0003 this is the gallery space filled with all kinds of wonderful stuff. After mosey-ing around for awhile, i purchased this:2005_1224Image0005 the 2006 naked souls calendar, featuring this piece by yoly stroeve and this:my first bukowski my very first bukowski. i was initially drawn by the cover, but then i was overtaken by my fascination with what the big deal is with this guy. So far i have read two stories, and i find him both amusing and apalling. i'm not quite sure how i feel about him at this point
    i am however very taken with anno domini. if you live in san jose, check them out. i put my name on their email list, and i can't wait to someday purchase an original piece.


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