water is great.... especially when it tastes like juice.

flavored water has taken america by storm. some genius figured out that if you add sugar and other "natural flavors" to water, people will pay a couple bucks for a bottle the stuff, and buy cases of it at a time. now, i like plain water just fine, but sometimes i like juice too. The only problem with this is that most juices are way too sweet, and my litte tastebuds perfer a more watered down form of sweet. Therefore, flavored water is just about perfect. There is a problem, however; most of these flavored waters use aspertame as a major ingredient because most of the target audience for this water are people who don't want sugar in their bodies....just cancer. just kidding! that's like an urban myth, right? anyway, last year my sister maureen started raving about this stuff:
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i wasn't so sure because i just assumed like the others, it contained aspartame, and i hate the aftertaste of that crap. Well, i discovered it does not , so I decided to give it a try, and now i am total vitamin water addict. not only is the stuff yummy good and good for you, but it also boasts a geniusly hip ad campaign. It's not super cheap, but they sell it at Costco, which cuts the cost a little.

my personal favorite flavor is dragonfruit, and right now i am enjoying tropical citrus (vitamin c + ginseng)

"although this is a great alternative to sports drinks, we do not believe in succumbing to commercialism. unless, of course, there's a lot of cash, then we'll talk"


Anonymous said…
oh my god you have to taste the new formula 50 grape flavor (who would have thought fifty cent is a health fanatic?) it is amazing, and worth it just for the laugh you'll get from reading the label

"hydrate or die tryin'"

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