it's the great pumpkin, margaret ann

i love halloween, so i was very excited to be invited by Kevin and Diana to join them and some of their other friends at the Haunted House and Corn Maze in Hollister over the weekend. my only complaint: i don't scare easily. these people work so hard to get a reaction from you, and i'm just lame at it. Never the less, i was very happy to join in the fun and get into the holiday spirit for the night. ps. if you ever have the chance to go, do so, this place is great. it also boasts a pumpkin slingshot, corn cannon, and giant wooden pirate ;)

cornchuckers beware
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"stupid corn!" - yelled by guy walking through maze
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diana and gabeImage hosted by
our group
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arrggh matey
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pumpkin slingshot!!!
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as kevin discovers,if you want to make it go far, you must sacrifice your clean clothes to the gods of pumpkin tossing.
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