awaiting the arrival of the great pumpkin

happy halloween everyone! tonight is the night that all of the little ones have been waiting for all year. i remember being going trick or treating as a kid and the smell of mixed candies and pillowcases, the stomach ache you'd get from consuming 1/2 your bagworth an hour after you'd get home, and protecting what was left of your stash from the hungry hands of those around you. I used to hide a lot of my candy, and then forget about it and find it a year later, gooey and stuck to a notebook in the back of my closet. Now that i am older, however, my halloween usually takes place at a party the weekend before the big day. This year, i once again ventured to Pasadena to celebrate with my friends Liz and Melanie. here is a short re-cap of the trip highlights

- to combat my discomfort when flying, i had a few drinks, became very relaxed and accidently left my id on the plane. i needed a new one anyway. the picture on my old one was from, like, 8 years ago.
-i re-aquainted myself with my old friend, mary jane. we talked things out and realized that our friendship hiatus was nothing but a silly misunderstanding.
- my digital camera crapped out. it is having a "focus error" problem. i'm totally taking it back to sears.
-i totally o'd on white chocolate.
-if you are ever in pasadena, you must have brunch at Burger Continental. It is more food than you can imagine and a price you can't beat. Also, though i did not personally witness it, i understand that your meal may be accompanied by live music and belly dancers!
-Liz is a domestic goddess. she can cook, bake, decorate, give herself a manicure/pedicure, clean, create, etc.
-people are stupid. they have no idea what they missed out on.
-one day i will date/marry a younger man.
-i had my first "do you know where i can score some blow?" experience when this sleazy guy showed up at my friends party. when i told him nicely to get lost, he exited with a "ciao, babe" it was straight out of a movie about Los Angeles cliche's.
-doing nothing for 4 days will really wear you out.

as stated above, the digital camera is out of comission, so pics were taken with a good old fashioned disposible..... coming soon.

be safe and have fun tonight kiddies!


Anonymous said…
congratulations on having the longest, hardest to type website address :)

but i finally found you, hooray!
my mother always says that i delight in making things harder than they have to be ;)

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