
friends, i fear that i have become an *gasp* adult overnight thanks to spending a few days with my 13 year old niece this past weekend. i always assumed that i would remain the cool, young aunt in the eyes of my beloved nieces and nephew. maybe i just don't understand teenagers as much as i thought i did....humph. it wasn't so long ago that i was there, so how could i be so out of touch with their ways of thinking? i think i'm just sad because C, the thirteen year old, used to be such a happy child, but now she is just a moody teenager. At any rate, the thought of having kids of my own some day and dealing with them when they become teenagers suddenly makes me want to run off and join a convent..... my mother's fondest wish come true! Don't get me wrong it wasn't a bad weekend. we:

went to johnny rockets, saw Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, and shared some music on Friday night

did abosolutely nothing on Saturday except watch:
The Nightmare Before Christmas
A Boy Named Charlie Brown
South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut
The Breakfast Club
St. Elmo's Fire
The Rocky Horror Picture Show

with only the ocassional break to get food, go to the bathroom, and one ill- advised trip to the mall where i came to the realization after wading through the masses of teenagers that C is pretty great. Sure she's overly sarcastic and moody sometimes, but she's smart, funny, talented, has a good head on her shoulders, and most importantly is her own person. I remember how hard that was at 13.


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