i was born and raised in san jose, california. this is a large city, but most people have never heard much about it, because, well, there isn't much to tell. it's about 45min southeast of San Francisco, and 35 min northeast of Santa Cruz, so at least it has great accessability. after 5 years of college in northern california, i moved back last year to persue a carreer in.......whatever job i could find with a degree in theatre that didn't actually involve theatre. After a few months of retail hell, i took over for my friend at her old job when she got a new one. This was way different for me. i had never had a desk job before. i like it a lot, and it just happens to be located across the street from one of my grandmas houses that she rents out, so a few months ago, i began renting an apartment in this house. how convinent! so here i am living the "single in the city" fantasy. most of time i stay at home and drink seeing as how paying rent makes me pretty broke, bu...