
Showing posts from August, 2013


The loathe boat. Soon you’ll be making another run. With a gun. Shoot and stun. I don’t loathe you. I Ioved you. Please don’t make me change my mind.


a bad tattoo. an ill-advised decision. when I pick up the phone, it stings like a bad tattoo. the one I touch because I know people can see it. I rub the center of my bad tattoo, willing and wishing it into non existence. I play pretend and avoid when people ask. Is that a new tattoo? nope, I’ve had it for awhile now. I don’t like to talk about it because when I decided to get it, I was lying to myself about why it was important. permanent ink on the skin is easier to ignore when people don’t ask. I know it’s there. And now, so do you. I’ll blame it all on youthful indiscretion. You’ll play it off like you think it’s cute.


Auto insurance quotes from geico seem reasonable. Don’t give up on the gecko. The echo. my stomach in knots. Lindsay lohan. Late 70s funk. coffee. toffee. The yawn of my late night choices. This little girl is the queen of her castle. Who plays your piano? Do they know the tune?