
Showing posts from May, 2011

todays creative struggle

after struggling for most of the afternoon to create a flier for this month of mayhem special program on kfjc , I was perturbed to discover I couldn't upload it to the facebook page like i wanted. phooey! well, i've mentos'd the shit out of that situation by taking a picture with my oh so out of date cell phone. can you see it? read it? do ya get it?????? no? well, then tune into tomorrow around 3pm to see what all the fuss is about.

feel the backklash of sexy recipes

pete beat will basically be hosting this tonight with my assistance. let me ask you this : without over thinking it, when I say "sexy recipes", what is the first thing comes to mind?! tune in tonight @ 10pm PST to hear our thoughts on this sexy topic and so much more! or 89.7 fm in the south bay

I DID do it to death.....

during the month of mayehm on kfjc , one of the standing specials is 24 hours of James Brown. Here was the playlist from my inagural contribution. I like this one. I think I may become a regular contributor. JAMES BROWN IS DRRRRUNKKKKK!! some LA news station in the 80s Brown, James- Make It Good to Yourself (interlude) /Blind Man Can See It Brown, James -I'll Lose My Mind /Say It Loud I'm Black and I'm Proud Soil and "Pimp" Sessions- Papa's Got a Brand New Pigbag /Pop Korn Hyman, Dick- Give It Up or Turn It Loose /Moog, the Electric Eclectics Brown, James / Jackson, Michael / Prince- Jammin it out Live on Stage at the Beverly Theatre Aug 20th 1983 Fair, Jad -Sex Machine /Everyone Knew...But Me JB's,- The Future Shock (dance Your Pants Off)/ Funky Good Times: The Anthology Volume Two Collins, Lyn- You Can't Love Me If You Don't Respect Me /James Brown's Funky Summer Soul Survivors- Please Please Please /James Brown's Funky Summer Brown, J...

dance lessons from prof. james brown

hop on the good foot and do the bad thang shake your money maker!