
Showing posts from September, 2008

The Vinyl Frontier

Ever since I bought a new, smaller turntable, I have become obsessed with buying vinyl again. My stacks are starting to outgrow the milk crates I keep them in, so i'm putting this on my wishlist. As far as the collection goes, I still buy cheap records at thrift stores, but I've also started buying new things on vinyl. One of my recent purchases features Bang Bang (my baby shot me down) by Nancy Sinatra. Ever since I discovered the track a few months ago in the kfjc library, I have not been able to get enough of it. I guess Sonny Bono wrote it for Cher, but I'm not sure if she ever recorded it. But back to the great record organization of 2008, since becoming a staff member at kfjc, I have become accustomed to the way we file the records. First there are two main libraries, A and B. These are Pop /Rock/ Punk/ Experimental recordings separated into current (A), and stuff that may have been cutting edge at one time, but is now more mainstream (B). Next, there are smaller ...


noooooooooooooo. paul newman died! what can you say about a legend? from his acting , to his charity work, newman's own (whose proceeds all went to charity), a passion for speed, the love for his wife. "Why fool around with hamburger when you have steak at home?" - on adultery an all time favorite quote of mine. a gorgeous man. a fanatastic human being. watch cat on a hot tin roof .you'll fall in love. watch hud . you'll hate him, but you'll still love him. it's paul newman . he did live a full life, but still, so sad.

ch ch cha changes

changes are afoot, my friends. changes are afoot. first, and least earth shattering: a new look for the blog. you likey? next, and most core shaking: i am moving in two weeks. I am very excited...and a total wreck. I haven't had much time to clean my room, let alone pack up it's entire contents for the trek to Willow Glen. Let me just say, however, i am super stoked about the apartment, my roommate, and our new neighborhood. Willow Glen is one of those areas where people know each other, and you look out for your neighbors. It's a real 50s throwback with bungalow style houses and tree lined streets. I can't wait to hang at farmers market, pick up sandwiches at La Villa Deli, and soak up my hangovers at Bill's Cafe. I have been having severe bike envy, and Willow Glen is a great neighborhood for sunny day bike rides. last, and most necessary: I need to get back of track with the weight watch. I should be on week 15 or something, but with being so busy, I have a bevy ...